Multifaceted Slope, Shadows, Barn, Vermont 2012

Multifaceted Slope, Shadows, Barn, Hartland Vermont 2012

There are some images I have the opportunity to try over and over. This is right around the corner from my house, so I can experience and frame a visual experience something like this in many nuances: different light, different clouds and snow. In fact, I have a version of this in my camera right now, exposed about two hours ago. This one, above, was exposed a couple of weeks ago on a walk with my son and my wife.

There’s so much to love about Vermont, so much that triggers the mind to leap into other realms. What we’ve got here are some themes that work well: the multifaceted quality of many of the hills. The facets are large and small. For the larger ones, you go over a little rise, and suddenly it’s a new experience. This hill is one of the larger facets, but it also has small facets on its face. The long shadows of the trees to the west ripple along these facets.

I’m not sure if this will be the definitive image of this spot, but it’s certainly good enough to post for now.

This print is for sale here.

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